Preparing for the Boxing Day Boom!

Preparing for the Boxing Day Boom!

It is notoriously known that boxing day is home to the “boxing day boom”, a time in which all estate agents portals receive the highest surge in traffic throughout the year. From Rightmove to Zoopla, the demand for these platforms skyrocket to numbers...
Why using an estate agent for property sales and valuations is ideal

Why using an estate agent for property sales and valuations is ideal

During the height of lockdown, it became clear that in Sale, Greater Manchester and surrounding areas a larger land of investments and opportunities grew. With property investors completely stacked up in the market alongside the influx of first-time buyers making the...

How long does it take to sell a property in 2021

As we are all aware, there are endless factors to the time it takes for completion dates when on the property ladder. As covered here at Craven and company in Sale, Greater Manchester, Covid-19 has really introduced some new opportunities to help sell your home and...